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Weekly Announcements

Entering the Throne Room

If you enter the sanctuary before service begins, please refrain from conversation. Instead, please use the time to prepare your heart and mind to hear from our King and worship him by praying silently, meditating on Christ, reading your Bible, or reading over the liturgy and worship songs.

Image by Aaron Burden

Theology Night

Wednesday at the Hofmann home, 7pm. We are discussing “Article 31: Spiritual Warfare” from the First London Baptist Confession of Faith (1646). Parents with children are encouraged to bring a kid-friendly backyard toy to occupy the kiddos after the study.

Church Membership

If you are interested in church membership, please see Pastor Hexon for more information.

Weekly Song List

Please click here to preview the songs we will be singing during corporate worship each week. 

Stay Informed

Join ‘Grace Reformed Church’ on the GroupMe app and follow us at

Monitor the Kiddos

Please help monitor the children by preventing them from wandering through the hotel or otherwise getting into things.

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