Weekly Announcements
Entering the Throne Room
If you enter the sanctuary before service begins, please refrain from conversation. Instead, please use the time to prepare your heart and mind to hear from our King and worship him by praying silently, meditating on Christ, reading your Bible, or reading over the liturgy and worship songs.

Theology Night
This Wednesday, February 5th, at the Maldonado home. Continuing through the 1646 London Baptist Confession of Faith. The topic of discussion will be “Article 52: Future Resurrection.”
Monitor the Kiddos
Please help monitor the children by preventing them from wandering through the hotel or otherwise getting into things.
Weekly Song List
Please click here to preview the songs we will be singing during corporate worship each week.
Stay Informed
Join ‘Grace Reformed Church’ on the GroupMe app and follow us at www.facebook.com/gracereformedtx/
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, February 8th, at Cracker Barrel in Temple at 8am. Please RSVP on the GroupMe app for an accurate headcount.
Church Meeting
Our bi-annual meeting will be held on February 9th at 2PM at the Bales home. You may bring your lunch to their home or eat on your own and arrive just before the meeting. This meeting is for church members only.